Machine Perception
Graduate course, Johns Hopkins University, 2024
Full Instructor during Fall 2024 semester.
Credits - 3
Meetings - Mondays, Wednesdays, 12:00-1:15PM, Schaffer 301
No. | Date | Topic |
1 | 08/26 | Course overview, Edge detection |
2 | 08/28 | Edge detection, (Contd.) |
3 | 09/04 | SIFT, HoG |
4 | 09/09 | Texture analysis, Dictionaries |
5 | 09/11 | Markov Random Fields |
6 | 09/16 | Artificial Neural Networks |
7 | 09/18 | Gradient descent algorithms, Back propagation |
8 | 09/23 | Introduction to PyTorch for Computer vision |
9 | 09/25 | Deep convolutional networks: AlexNet, VGG Net, Inception Net, ResNet, and variants for Object recognition |
10 | 09/30 | Object detection using R-CNN and extensions. |
11 | 10/02 | Face, gait recognition using DCNNs |
12 | 10/09 | Transformers |
13 | 10/14 | Diffusion Models |
14 | 10/16 | GANs |
15 | 10/21 | Semantic segmentation using deep learning, Segmentation anything model |
16 | 10/23 | Adversarial attacks and defenses |
17 | 10/28 | Midterm |
18 | 10/30 | Camera models and calibration |
19 | 11/04 | Structure from motion, Factorization algorithm for 3D modeling |
20 | 11/06 | NeRF for 3D modeling |
21 | 11/11 | 3D Gaussian splatting |
22 | 11/13 | Binocular stereo |
23 | 11/18 | Optical flow |
24 | 11/20 | Domain Adaptation |
25 | 12/02 | Current research topics |
26 | 12/04 | Current research topics |